Health Journal

Food Poisoning Is More Common in Summer: Here's What You Need to Know
When people think about summer and food, outdoor barbecues, picnics and parties are top of mind. But did you know that foodborne illness, or food poisoning, is much more likely to occur in summer?Nothing puts a damper on a pool...
Beware Those Sugary Summer Drinks! Try These Healthy Alternatives
As summer temperatures begin to rise and you spend more time outside enjoying the weather, it’s important to remember to hydrate. Between barbeques, parties and picnics, you’re bound to come face-to-face with a host of summer drink options—but beware, because...
Nuts and Seeds: This Season's Top Healthy Snack
Summer picnics, hikes and day trips call for yummy snacks for when you’re on the go. There are tons of delicious foods to pack as portable treats: fruits and vegetables, granola bars, crackers and much more. You may even be...
Top Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Every Day
Green tea has taken the world by storm in recent years, being touted as one of the healthiest beverages in the world. While this may sound like an exaggeration, green tea actually contains a lot of powerful compounds that can...
The Keto Diet: Understanding the Latest Diet Craze
Diet trends change over time, but one of the most popular diets, particularly in recent years, is the ketogenic, or keto, diet. Keto has been getting a lot of buzz lately, but it’s becoming tough to really understand what it...
Supplement Safely: Is It Possible to Take Too Much?
Lots of people take supplements. They can help resolve a nutrient deficiency, improve athletic performance or reduce symptoms of a health issue. However, just because supplements contain nutrients that our bodies need to function, it does not mean they cannot...
How to Protect Yourself Against Those Dreaded Spring Colds
Spring is in full swing, and while most of us are itching to get outside as the temperatures climb and the sun is out for more hours of the day, cold and flu season is still lingering, ready to put...
Top Sources of Protein for Vegetarian Diets
Whether it’s a lifestyle choice or a diet change for health purposes, making the switch to a vegetarian diet can be challenging for many people. The decision to give up meat and rely on mostly plant food sources can be...
Healthy Gut, Healthy Body: What You Need to Know About Probiotics
We often consider bacteria to be a bad thing and aim to get rid of them at all costs. However, the reality is that we have millions of bacteria outside and inside our bodies that actually help us. The most...
Don't Get Tricked by Your Treats This Halloween: Understanding the Dangers of Sugar
Halloween is one of the biggest holidays of the year—children and adults alike get creative and dress up, decorate their homes, tell spooky stories and, of course, go trick-or-treating. This exciting tradition is likely one of your kids’ favorite parts...
What are 'Superfoods' and Why Should They be Part of Your Diet?
Popular food blogs and health websites have recently been buzzing with news of “superfoods” and how great they are for your health. While the term may sound like something otherworldly, superfoods are little more than everyday foods you might already...
Food Allergy Awareness is Growing and so are Diagnosed Cases
More and more people are being diagnosed with food allergies than ever before. Diagnosed cases have increased in both children and adults, with more adult-onset allergies revealing heightened sensitivity in the overall population to certain foods. This means that being...
10 Drug-Free Methods for Combating Chronic Headaches
Headaches are a common problem in today’s world, often brought on by a lack of hydration, nutritional deficiencies and eye strain. It may be tempting to grab a bottle of painkillers as soon as you feel tensions beneath your scalp...
Your Diet Could be Affecting the Health of Your Scalp
When it comes to our hair, most of us are more concerned about what we put on top of it—what shampoos, conditioners and styling products we use—to make it look and feel healthier. However, many people don’t realize that there’s...
Gut Flora Affects Your Total Body Wellness More Than You Realize
When you hear the term “bacteria,” you probably instantly think of the nasty germs living on your hands or on dirty surfaces that can make you sick. While some bacteria are certainly hazardous to our health, not all bacteria are...
All Natural Ways To Deal With Financial Stress
In a recent study, 72% of Americans said that they felt some form of financial stress. There are so many reasons for this, from dealing with creditors or mortgage brokers, to worrying about pensions and savings. It could be anxiety from...
Coping with Candida: What You Can do to Lessen Chronic Symptoms
Many people suffer from a strange, seemingly-unrelated group of symptoms that negatively affect their health, including fatigue, sinus infections and digestive issues. While each symptom may be related to a condition particular to one part of the body, many people...
What Your Overactive, Rumbling Tummy Might be Trying to Tell You
We’ve all been there before, sitting in a quiet room, minding our own business, when a loud, grumbling noise echoes from our stomach. While it might be a little embarrassing, isn’t a rumbling tummy normal? Or is it a sign...
Which of These 6 Lifestyle Diets is Right for You?
In a world where people are increasingly concerned about what they put into their bodies and the health risks and benefits their foods provide, new types of diets appear every day. Diets sometimes get a bad rap, particularly when they...
Nutritional Deficiencies Could be at the Root of Your Brain Fog
Almost everyone has had a day where their brain just wouldn’t work correctly. You were probably forgetful, had a hard time focusing and were possibly even confused about the day, where you were or what you were doing. Perhaps you...
Intermittent Fasting and Its Surprising Long-Term Benefits
Fasting has been a part of society since the beginning, with our ancestors partaking in fasting rituals for religious, political and social purposes. Some cultures today still fast regularly and now, intermittent fasting has become a popular dietary trend around...