Health Journal

8 Self-Care Ingredients to Put in Your Bath for a Sublime Experience
There’s nothing quite like coming home after a long day atwork, running an ultra-steamy bath and settling in for a relaxing soak. Baths are known to relieve stress, reduce inflammation, soothe aching muscles, reduce congestion, improve your mood and much...
Tea Tree Oil is a Natural Remedy for Managing Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp conditions like dandruff or dry scalp can be difficult to manage because of the constant itchiness and visual effects on the hair. But few conditions are as frustrating to handle as scalp psoriasis. This problem causes itchy, inflamed and...
6 Ways to Avoid Common Winter Health Risks
The coming of winter means there are all kinds of new opportunities for making memories with your loved ones, from sledding and ice skating to family gatherings and holiday festivities. However, the winter months also means the coming of colder...
Don't Forget to Take Care of Your Skin When the Air Gets Dry
Your skin is your largest organ and protects you from harm—from microscopic organisms to everyday bumps and scrapes. In order to keep your insides healthy, you need to keep your outsides healthy, and that means taking good care of your...
Can Winter Hats Harm Your Hair?
Winter weather is right around the corner, and that means that warm, fuzzy hats are likely your go-to way of keeping your head warm. Many winter hats, like beanies, can be worn all day and incorporated into your outfits to...
How Hormones Are Linked to Changes in Your Hair
Hormones play a critical role in the body. Humans have around 50 different types of hormones produced by the endocrine system, and each help control specific aspects of bodily function, including sexual reproduction, metabolism and more. Hormones also play a...
5 Cold Sore Triggers and How to Fight Back Against Them
If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you know how frustrating they can be to manage. The burning, itching sensation makes eating, drinking and talking painful, and the unsightly blister can be embarrassing. Even worse, once you have one cold...
Scalp Types and Hair Care Regimens: Finding the Right Combo
If you’re rigorous in your skin care, you probably know what type of skin you have. There are several distinct types, including oily, dry, and combination—each of which has its own traits that need to be considered for appropriate care....
More than Skin Irritation, Psoriasis Can Have Arthritis Effects
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that affects more than 3 million people in the United States each year. It’s usually characterized by inflamed skin that has a scaly texture, which flakes off or scabs over. Like many dermatological conditions,...
Stop Itching and Scratching Your Scalp So Much!
Having an itchy scalp can be infuriating. The constant urge to scratch could last all day, getting worse as more and more oils accumulate at the base of your hair. Giving in and giving your hair a good scratch with...
Your Diet Could be Affecting the Health of Your Scalp
When it comes to our hair, most of us are more concerned about what we put on top of it—what shampoos, conditioners and styling products we use—to make it look and feel healthier. However, many people don’t realize that there’s...
Understanding the Symptoms of Low Testosterone and How to Treat Them Naturally
Hormones are some of the major regulators of our bodies. They contribute to the production of muscles, bones and fatty tissues, they play a large role in sexual function and they can influence our ability to process emotions. When these...
It Might be Time to Re-Think Your Daily Ponytail
For any girl or guy with long hair, ponytails are a staple in the realm of haircare. Throwing your hair up and securing it with an elastic helps mask grease, keeps hair off your face and neck and is particularly...
Get to Know the 4 Types of Hair and How to Care for Them
Each of us has hair that is unique—from stick-straight to extremely tight curls, the mixture of patterns and textures growing out of our heads is different for every person. But, no matter how unique our hair may be, all hair...
What are Split Ends and Why are They Such a Big Deal?
Whether you visit a hair stylist regularly or take care of your hair at home, you’ve probably heard about the dangers of split ends. Split ends are nuisances at best and the cause of major hair damage at worst. But...
What Should You Avoid When Shopping For Cosmetic Products?
The last 10 years has seen the market value of natural cosmetic products rise by 114% due to a growing acceptance of non-synthetic alternatives. Although the natural products might be a little bit more expensive than their synthetic counterparts, they present consumers...
How Much Water Should You be Drinking Daily and Why?
Your body is made of about 60 percent water. That good old H2O allows your body to perform all of its necessary functions, keeps your organs healthy, your skin clear and prevents waste from building up inside you. Water doesn’t...
Oak, Ivy, Sumac and More: Beware Nature's Natural Skin Irritants this Spring!
As the weather grows warmer, more people are eager to head outside to garden, camp, hike and get active in their local parks and forests. Whether you are tending your personal garden or hitting the trails this spring, be mindful...
8 Daily Rituals That Could Be Prematurely Thinning Your Hair
Most people assume hair loss is a condition that only affects older men. While this is somewhat valid—hair growth does tend to slow down with age and affect men more visibly—women can still lose hair starting as early as ages...
Debunking 3 Widely-Believed Hair Loss Myths
Hair loss effects millions of people, many of whom have no idea why their hair is falling out. The combination of mystery and panic has brought forth myriad myths about the causes of hair loss. It’s hard to blame people...
A Chemical In McDonald's French Fries Can Apparently Regrow Hair
Japanese scientists say they were able to regrow hair on mice by using a chemical found in McDonald’s french fries. From Fry Oil To Hair Growth Solutions The study conducted at Yokohama National University aimed to create hair follicle germs...