Health Journal

Flu Shots Explained Before Flu Season Hits
Flu season is fast-approaching. The fall and winter are when the flu is most prevalent, and millions of people fall ill to it every single year. One of the best ways you can protect your immune system against the flu...
These Bad Habits Are Seriously Damaging Your Immune System
We all have bad habits we know we should break. However, we don’t always realize how dangerous some of our habits can be. And, when it comes to our immune system, we don’t always realize how one bad habit could...
Natural Remedies to Get You Through Flu Season
Across the nation, temperatures are beginning to drop, signaling the beginning of flu season. Back-to-school events, holiday travels and fall festivals all facilitate the spread of viral infections. Staving off the flu can be borderline impossible during the fall season....
5 Cold Sore Triggers and How to Fight Back Against Them
If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you know how frustrating they can be to manage. The burning, itching sensation makes eating, drinking and talking painful, and the unsightly blister can be embarrassing. Even worse, once you have one cold...
Got a Summer Cold Coming On? Protect Your Immune System!
A summer cold is arguably one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Instead of enjoying your time outside in the warm weather or near the pool, you’ll be sniffling, sneezing and coughing while curled up inside. If you...