Health Journal

Hair Loss and Pregnancy - Luscious Locks After Baby
During my pregnancy I had the most fabulous, bouncy, 1970's baby-sitter hair imaginable. It was so amazing, in fact, that I went out of my granola-way to wear it in multiple styles, keep it gorgeously groomed, and generally adore it...
Happy Birthday Scorpio!
I prophesize that this is going to be your most focused year, yet! How do I know? Because you're coming into your own self-awareness (which is always a great thing), identifying your passionate strengths and your distracting weaknesses - the...
Benefits of Eating Chocolate
In today's world everyone is watching their diet and those who are trying to lose a little extra weight may be disparaged enough to stay away from eating any chocolate. However, there are many benefits to incorporating chocolate sensibly into...
Backyard Sharing
Nutrition experts are forever going on about the benefits of eating natural and organic fruits and vegetables. However, half of all Americans are still malnourished, mostly because they lack fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Food Insecure The government...
Natural Wellbeing Coupons, Discounts, and Promotions
From time to time we offer special promotional coupons codes to our customers. You can find the currently active coupons on this page. Once you have chosen the coupon you would like to use simply begin your checkout process and...
Safety Tips for Fall
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), the best way to prevent injuries whilst raking leaves, cleaning gutters and performing other outdoor chores is to take proper health and safety precautions. Dr. Dr. Laurence Laudicina, a spokesperson for...
Creating An Herbal Medicine Chest
With the increasing amount of recalls on pharmaceutical medicinals, it is a great idea to create your own herbal medicine chest at home. Choosing The Right Herbs When building your own herbal medicine chest it is vitally important to choose...
Norway Best Country In The World!
Norway has been deemed to be the best place in the world to live whilst Niger is the worst, according a United Nations report. The annual report, entitled Human Development Index, ranks 182 countries according to three major factors that...
Life Expectancy Rate Increases
Researchers have determined that more than half of all babies that are born in the world's most affluent countries since the year 2000 will likely live to be at least 100 years old. In addition to living to such a...
Ten Great Tips On Detoxifying Your Body
Detoxification, or detox for short, is a process by which toxins are removed from the body in order to purify it. These toxins are stored in our body fat where they wreak havoc on our liver, causing it to malfunction....
Who Is Killing The Honey Bee?
Currently, a third of all honeybee colonies are slowly fading away. Their disappearance has been called 'colony collapse disorder.' This colony disorder has wiped out, not only the honeybees themselves, but also the livelihood of many beekeepers since it was...
How Effective is Anti-Bacterial Soap Really?
The fall and winter months that bring sicknesses such as flu, stomach viruses, strep throat and other germ related illnesses often also bring an outbreak in the purchases of antibacterial soap. Most consumers feel safer washing their hands with a...
The Legalities and Benefits of Drinking Raw Milk
It is interesting to think that the milk that we purchase from the grocery store is very far away from what people were used to drinking before World War II. In 1862, a French Microbiologist named Louis Pasteur, perfected a...
Patrick Swayze and Pancreatic Cancer Prevention
Earlier this month, one of the world's most beloved actors, Patrick Swayze, passed away as a result of pancreatic cancer. He had been diagnosed nearly two years earlier. Although he will be missed by many fans, doctors have recently discovered...
Natural Remedies To Help With Hair Loss
Many men and women throughout the world suffer from hair loss due to a variety of reasons. The hair loss can be due to side effects from other types of medications, or it can be caused from stress, or it...
How To Beat The Freshman 15
The beginning of September marked the start of a new school year, which found many teenagers and young adults starting college. Going off to college is one of the most exciting times in any young person's life. As they move...
The Beauty of Henna Tattoos
When you are interested in decorating your body with the beautiful art form of tattooing yet prefer something temporary, you should consider the beauty of henna tattoos. A Brief History of Henna Tattoos The henna plant is a small flowering...
Health Benefits of Self-Hypnosis
Hypnosis has been touted as a great alternative health remedy for almost any ailment; but did you know that you self-hypnosis works just as well? Generally speaking, hypnosis is merely a state of mind in which an extreme concentration of...
An Anti-Cancer Compound Has Been Discovered In The American May Apple
Who would have thought that a common weed might hold the key to fighting cancer? Known as the American May Apple the future of cancer fighting might finally be secure through this wild growing perennial plant. What is the American...
Natural Makeup Choices
In today's world of cosmetics and beauty, natural makeup choices are becoming quite popular. More and more individuals are starting to realize that chemically based ingredients that are sold both in stores and online are not a productive choice when...
President Obama's Healthcare Reform: The Pros and Cons
There has been much debate about President Obama’s controversial proposal to reform the health care system in the United States. There are a few simple facts that are important: firstly, the United States is the only industrialized country in the...