Health Journal

What it Means to Be Centered and How to Achieve it
It’s easy to get swept up in a storm of emotions. Life is bound to throw you some curve balls, and highly stressful circumstances can leave us drowning in our own negative thoughts. When you feel out of control, it’s...
5 Ways to Improve Your Lung Health and Strength
The respiratory system is one part of the body that’s often ignored until it takes a hit. Our lungs are working nonstop to deliver oxygen to every single cell, so the least we can do is take care of them!...
8 Reasons Gardening is Good for Your Health
Gardening is a hobby people of all ages and ability levels can enjoy. It’s simple and affordable, yet few have truly committed to caring for the soil. Many people are hesitant to start a garden because they’re convinced the plants...
Does Your Lifestyle Allow You to Live Well?
Plenty of bad lifestyle choices hide in plain sight. Maybe work has been stressful, so you decide to put an extra packet of sugar in your third cup of coffee. While vegging out on the couch, you treat yourself to...
7 Habits that Hurt Immune Health
Life is full of bad habits that we could do without. Too often, we neglect long-term wellness in the pursuit of instant gratification. A late night out and a couple of drinks might feel good in the moment, but you’ll...
6 Benefits of Lysine Supplements
Many common ailments can be traced back to a lysine deficiency. Believe it or not, adding more of this one nutrient to your diet can make a world of difference. If your health has seen better days, lysine might just...
8 Reasons to Exercise Aside from Weight Loss
To many, exercise feels like a chore. It’s used to punish us for gaining a little extra weight rather than help us celebrate our bodies. Depending on your health situation, weight loss might be part of adopting a healthier lifestyle....
3 Tips and Benefits for Overcoming FOMO
Nobody likes to feel like they’re missing out on something important. In the age of social media, this feeling has grown ever more common, leading to terms like “FOMO.” FOMO might not seem like a big deal, but it can...
Don't Neglect Your Wellness During Periods of Stress
Self-care often gets placed on the back burner when more pressing concerns dominate our lives. When you’re worried about work, kids, school or family, it’s all too easy to skip a meal, forget your workout regimen or even neglect your...
7 Reasons to Add an Outdoor Walk to Your Daily Routine
Many people believe that getting in shape requires an intense, time-consuming workout schedule. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! You can experience wellness benefits from very basic forms of exercise, like taking a daily walk. If you’re trying...
5 Ways Drinking More Water Can Improve Your Life
You’ve heard this a million times, but we’ll say it once more—you need to drink more water! Everyone knows they have to stay hydrated, but we don’t always take the steps to make it happen. Water is more important than...
Start Your Day Off Right with Morning Affirmations
Affirmations are so simple, yet few people recite them on a daily basis. Starting your day with positive affirmations might seem trivial, but they can really make a difference—not just for getting through the day, but over the course of...
Sun Poisoning? Know the Signs to Keep Your Skin Safe
Everyone has experienced sunburn at some point, but sun poisoning is a whole different beast. What’s most dangerous about sun poisoning is that it’ll catch you by surprise. You might be lounging by the pool when, all of a sudden,...
5 Nutrients You May Not Be Getting Enough Of
If you’re reading this, it’s a good time to stop and ask yourself, “Am I getting enough nutrients out of my diet?” Chances are, you may not know the answer. But you’re not alone—millions of people are deficient in several...
7 Steps to Naturally Encourage Hormonal Health
Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to miss subtle signs of hormonal imbalance. When your hormone levels feel out of balance, your physical and mental wellbeing can be easily affected. Hormones are important to consider for...
How Being an Empath Can Take a Physical & Emotional Toll
Everyone is capable of empathy, some more so than others. Many like to wear their empathic tendencies as a badge of honor, while true empaths might argue that the personality trait is less of a blessing and more of a...
6 Signs of Vitamin B Deficiency
The average person suffers from some level of vitamin deficiency. Among the most forgotten micronutrients is the vitamin B complex. This is a group of eight B vitamins responsible for numerous bodily functions including digestion, cell production, brain activity and...
5 Medicinal Mushrooms That Can Support Your Immune Function
Mushrooms are the unsung heroes of a plant-based diet. They’re extremely nutritious and some special types of mushrooms won’t be found in your local produce section! Adaptogenic medicinal mushrooms are growing in popularity due to their ability to help your...
6 Routines to Develop a Happy and Healthy Life
Everyone has some type of daily routine. But too often, people go through the motions of everyday life without stopping to think whether they’re helping or hurting their health. Little habits like hitting the snooze button or sipping energy drinks...
Metabolic Syndrome Affects Mind, Body, Mood and More
It’s no secret that as we get older, we have a higher risk for developing a number of health conditions. High blood pressure and weight gain have become commonplace, but these are also telltale signs of a more serious condition...
What is Bioavailability in Supplements and Why Does it Matter?
Many people who take supplements assume that all the nutrients in them are absorbed directly into their system. But the truth is, just because supplements are good for you doesn’t mean they’re always working as intended. This is where bioavailability...