Health Journal

7 Types of Meditation and Their Unique Benefits
You may have heard of the mental and physical benefits of meditation, but perhaps you were unable to experience them when you tried for yourself. While meditation isn’t for everyone, it’s important to realize that there are many different variations...
6 Wellness Benefits of Spring Cleaning
The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and fresh air is abundant. For many households, now is the time for spring cleaning. While spring cleaning may seem like just another chore, it can actually have many benefits...
6 Symptoms of Illness You Shouldn’t Ignore
There are some changes in your body that you might be tempted to brush off. However, they could be symptoms of a serious medical condition! While some symptoms of illness may have simple causes, others might be more severe, and...
3 Health Benefits Kombucha Can Offer (and the Science Behind Them!)
If you’ve explored the shelves of your local health foods store, you’re sure to have found kombucha—a bottled beverage akin to tea. Although kombucha has been around for over 2,000 years, health advocates have recently begun touting kombucha’s proposed wellness...
Drink Up! 5 Types of Tea that Can Bolster Wellness
Some people start their day with a piping-hot cup of tea, while others nurse their mugs as they settle down for bed. No matter what time of day you drink it, tea is a powerful beverage that has benefits far...
5 New Year's Resolutions to Help You Prioritize Self-Care
One of the most difficult things to do is find the time to take care of ourselves. There’s always another email to send, another chore to do or another event on the calendar. Unfortunately, staying busy and taking care of...
Your Ultimate Guide to Winter Wellness
It’s common for people’s routines to change during the winter months. The colder weather makes it harder to get outside, holidays disrupt your schedule and add stress, and the shorter days can put a damper on your mood. Together, these...
7 Ways You Can Prioritize Wellness During the Holidays
The holidays are nearly upon us! At the end of such a turbulent year, taking time to spend memorable moments with our family and friends is more important than ever. However, as critical as it is to share those special...
4 Causes of Brittle Nails and How to Solve Them
Few beauty problems are more upsetting than nails that are consistently brittle, flaking or breaking. Not only are brittle nails an uncomfortable and unsightly predicament, but healthy nails are also important for your overall health. Neglected fingernails can cause severe...
The Ultimate Guide to Gifting Supplements This Holiday Season
The holidays are right around the corner. Do you know what gifts you’re giving your friends and family? Some of the most underrated but highly impactful gifts are not material items or experiences—they’re the building blocks for a healthy and...
How to Start the Day Off Right with Your Own Morning Routine
Everyone knows that a good night’s sleep is an essential part of waking up feeling rested and refreshed each morning. But equal weight should be given to how you choose to start your morning and the routines you have in...
Is It Adrenal Fatigue That’s Got You Down?
You’re waking up feeling exhausted every day. Your body feels sore all the time. Your cravings for sweets or salty snacks are through the roof. Your mood is all over the place. And, now that you think about it, you’ve...
9 Self-Care Tips for the Turn of the Seasons
The shift from summer to fall is many people’s favorite. There’s something magical about sweater weather, changing leaves, warm drinks and the start of the holiday season. But there’s also the prospect of shorter days, seasonal illness and the stress...
The Scoop on Honey: Can It Relieve Cold Symptoms?
When chilly, wet weather sweeps over autumn, coughs and sniffles start going around - and there’s nothing like a restorative cup of hot lemon tea and honey to warm you up. Honey has been used for therapeutic purposes in many...
How Stress Can Hurt You from Head to Toe
Everyone knows persistent stress isn’t good for you. Everyday stressors can usually be managed with healthy coping mechanisms, but chronic, overwhelming stress can have lasting effects on your wellbeing. What you might not know, though, is the extent to which...
Vegetarians and Vegans Should Watch Out for This Health Problem
Today, many people are making the switch to diets like vegetarianism or veganism as a lifestyle choice, due to food sensitivities or for other health reasons. Despite the misconception that vegan and vegetarian diets do not allow you to fulfill...
7 Ways to Give Your Brain an Afternoon Boost
It’s 2 p.m. and you’re chugging away at your to-do list, when suddenly, you feel an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. You have to read the same sentence a few times over to comprehend its meaning, and time seems to slow...
You Come First! 4 Ways to Prioritize Your Self-Care
The struggle to recognize and find a healthy work-life balance has been brought to the forefront for many people the past few months, directly tying back to the blurred lines between work and home. What we might forget, however, is...
How Music Can Affect Your Memory
Children learn to memorize things by creating catchy tunes, and you might be surprised to find that you can recall all the lyrics to a once-favorite song from years ago. Throughout our everyday lives, we consistently discover things that point...
Getting Your Fitness (Safely) Outdoors While the Gym is Closed
Summer is a great time to get your sweat on! For many of us, though, it may still not be advisable to resume some of our usual activities like working out at the gym or fitness studio. Luckily, it's balmy...
Everything You Need To Know About Improving Your Attention Span
Many people have experienced that uncomfortable feeling of anxiety when a due date for a big project is looming and they’re struggling with completing it, or they really meant to have the house clean for guests but got sidetracked, or...