Health Journal

How to Stay Safe from Winter Cold Sore Outbreaks This Season
The winter season offers both joys and challenges; in 2020, there’s an awful lot more to navigate when it comes to protecting your health during the chilly, darker days. Not only are you combating cold weather, shorter daylight hours, and...
9 Tips for Managing Summer Cold Sores
During warm weather and bright sunny days, the last thing you want is to feel self-conscious about the appearance of your lips. Some summertime conditions can trigger cold sore outbreaks, even though that may sound counterintuitive. Fortunately, there are some...
Is Your Diet Triggering a Cold Sore Outbreak?
With colder weather around the corner, cold sores might start to become a problem if you’ve experienced them in the past. These painful bumps around the mouth can be embarrassing and frustrating to deal with. Most people know of a...
6 Ways to Avoid Common Winter Health Risks
The coming of winter means there are all kinds of new opportunities for making memories with your loved ones, from sledding and ice skating to family gatherings and holiday festivities. However, the winter months also means the coming of colder...
How to Naturally Heal a Cold Sore, and Fast
Winter weather is right around the corner, and that unfortunately means that cold sores will begin to appear in full force. Cold sores, those pesky and painful blisters associated with the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), can be painful and unsightly,...