Health Journal

Why “I Need a Massage” is a Truer Statement Than You Realize
Long hours at work and stressful daily tasks take their toll. Eventually, we all reach a point where we throw up our hands and exclaim, “I need a massage!” This statement rings true for nearly everyone, yet few understand what...
Straightening Up: Simple Fixes For Three Common Posture Problems
Poor posture is a common problem these days, and over time, it can lead to back problems and neck pain, according to physical therapists at Harvard University. Many of us spend much of the day sitting down hunched over desks,...
Treat Cold Sores This Winter Without a Prescription
For thousands of people around the world, the change of the seasons brings with it a cold sore outbreak. These painful blisters on the lips and cheeks are quite common, but they can still be unsightly and embarrassing. When a...
Curb Inflammation with These Foods and Drinks
Inflammation is a natural bodily process that aids in the healing of wounds or injuries. We need inflammation to occur when we get hurt so our tissues can heal and our white blood cells fight off infection. Unfortunately, inflammation can...
Hot and Cold: Which Temperature Therapy is Appropriate for Your Injury?
At some point in your life, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll experience some sort of injury, whether it’s a sprained ankle, a pulled muscle in your back or something else. One of the most commonly recommended home remedies to ease...
7 Ways to Naturally Soothe Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps, one painful side effect of nature’s“monthly gift” to women, can range from non-existent to mild to absolutelydebilitating for some. Cramps are a perfectly normal part of menstruation, butthey can make managing day-to-day activities difficult, especially if you aresomeone...
4 Ways to Ease Neck and Back Pain
As we get older, it’s impossible to avoid some inevitable pain issues within the body. Most often, these pains will come from the back and neck areas. Even the slightest thing like sleeping in the wrong position or turning your...
Gout Can be a Huge Pain in the... Toe?
When we tend to think of serious ailments, equally serious symptoms come to mind. Pneumonia, for example, is a severe respiratory condition that occurs when the lungs fill with fluid. We take these conditions very seriously because their implications are...