Health Journal

Back to School - Calming Support for Challenging Times
Since the school year started, many parents have experienced a scenario that’s all too common. The phone rings, and the caller ID says it’s from your child’s school. Their teacher is on the other end of the line explaining that...
Is Your Child Experiencing Nature Deficit Disorder?
It can be hard to connect with nature this time of year. It’s cold outside in the Western hemisphere, and in many areas, spending recreation time outside requires gear, or heavy jackets and snow pants at the very least. While there...
Everything You Need to Know About Your Kids' Attention Span Challenges
In general, kids are known for their distracted, high-energy behaviors. Parents everywhere will undoubtedly have days when they throw up their hands, feeling tired of repeating their requests or chasing their kids around the house. But what if this hyperactive...
How Nature Can Benefit Your Child’s Attention Span
  Getting out in nature together with your child can not only provide an opportunity for bonding, but also help you de-stress, enjoy physical activity, and get some big breaths of fresh air. Plus, it’s vitally important for you and...
This is How Technology is Affecting Your Kids’ Attention Span
As parents, it’s nearly impossible to raise a child without feeling some of the effects of technology usage in the home. Kids beg to watch movies on repeat, play colorful games on your phone and are even given homework assignments...
Everything You Need To Know About Improving Your Attention Span
Many people have experienced that uncomfortable feeling of anxiety when a due date for a big project is looming and they’re struggling with completing it, or they really meant to have the house clean for guests but got sidetracked, or...
Maximize Your WFH Productivity!
Many people who usually go into work are now working from home instead. If you are WFH, are you more of a “roll out of bed and start work in your PJs'' type? Or are you keeping up the same...
5 Natural Ways to Improve Your Child's Attention Span
Working on chores or homework assignments with children can sometimes feel impossible. One minute, they’re focusing intently, and the next minute, they’re up out of their seats, interested in anything and everything around them or holding their head in their...
8 Foods for a Healthy Brain and Strong Memory
As you age, taking care of your brain, and memory, in particular, becomes increasingly important. Staying sharp isn’t as simple as doing a puzzle every day—a lot of things contribute to your brain’s power to learn new things and store...
Is it ADHD, or Are Your Kids Just Being Kids?
In general, children are known for their distractible, high-energy behaviors. Parents everywhere will undoubtedly have days when they throw up their hands, feeling tired of repeating their requests or chasing their kids around the house. These types of repeated behaviors...
Signs of Anxiety in Children
Anxiety is a mental health problem that has gotten more attention in the last few years, but it is still a condition that is often misunderstood. Anxiety disorders in children, especially, differ from the norm, because the symptoms children display...
Warning Signs of ADHD in Your Children
Most kids are naturally energetic. As they grow and learn about the world, they become increasingly inquisitive and emotional, and these feelings can manifest in unhealthy ways at times, such as distraction, interruption and temper tantrums. But a child’s natural...
The Myth of Multitasking: How This Productivity ‘Trick’ Actually Makes You Less Productive
Multitasking: We all do it. We pick up our phones while we’re paying attention to a conversation or speaker. We switch between tabs on our computers, sending messages or emails while trying to digest information. Most people believe that multitasking...
Can't Focus? Meditation May Help You Tackle Your To-Do List
We have all had those days where our to-do list is growing but we aren’t able to focus long enough to get through even one thing. Whether we’re stressed about something unrelated, struggling with attention span, excited or just feeling...
Reasons Your Child Can't Concentrate in School and How to Help
You send your children to school expecting that they will return with their brains full of new material and a zest for learning. While many children thrive at school, what happens if your child returns home, but they have a...
Everywhere at Once: How to Minimize Distraction and Improve Focus
It can be frustrating to sit down at your desk or start preparing for an upcoming challenge and feel like your mind is in a million places at once. No matter how much you breathe and get ready to dive...
Simple Ways to Help Your Child Unwind from School Demands
As we near the end of November and the upcoming holiday season, many parents of school-aged children will begin to notice that their kids seem stressed, restless or unfocused when it comes to school. The time before winter break is...
What Was That? 10 Tips for Improving Your Memory
The human brain is constantly changing. The cells and neurological pathways that help us think, feel, and remember are constantly adapting, rebuilding, and reshaping themselves to help boost our ability to focus and recall important information. However, many things can...
5 Natural Ways to Fight Afternoon Fatigue and Lethargy
We’ve all been there—we start our day, head into work, tackle our to-do lists, grab some lunch, then settle back in to continue plugging away—when we suddenly feel a crash. Our eyes won’t stay open and we feel a strong...
3 Essential Ingredients for Optimal Daily Performance
Success is within reach if you can perform to the best of your ability every chance you get. This is why people are constantly seeking the advice of those who must frequently perform at a high level, like musicians, athletes,...
Concentration: Why It's Okay To Ask For Help
It’s completely normal to have trouble concentrating during the day. For countless children and adults, this often-misunderstood problem is in no way a notion of unintelligence, laziness or apathy. In fact, it might very well be the main reason so...