Health Journal

Fight Back Against Hair Loss with These At-Home Hair Masks!
Hair loss affects a surprisingly large number of men and women, and the problem is not only due to age. Hair loss can be driven by stress, trauma, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy and birth, nutritional deficiencies, damage and much more. These...
Understanding Pregnancy Hair... and the Hair Loss that Can Follow
Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes. Aside from the obvious, expecting mothers can expect a few more things, such as cravings, morning sickness, swelling, mood swings—the list goes on and on. But one thing women don’t always expect is...
The Link Between Gut Health and Mental Wellbeing
Millions of people around the world suffer from mental disorders like anxiety and depression, and the general understanding of mental wellbeing as a whole continues to improve by the day. Although mental illness is largely understood to be rooted in...
Healthy Aging Tips For Both Men and Women
Healthy aging is important for everyone—it’s not bound to one age group, gender, or even class. It’s vital for everyone to think about your well-being and things you can do for your health as you age. Simple changes like seeing...
The Best Diet for Supporting a Healthy Thyroid
Your thyroid is a super-important aspect of your overall health that you might take for granted while it is healthy. Located in the neck, the thyroid is a powerhouse of a gland that helps control your metabolism, and by extension,...
6 Styling Tips to Reduce Hair Damage and Loss
Although hair seems like it can withstand a lot of pressure and stress, it can actually be quite delicate and prone to breaking. Styling your hair in certain ways may be putting unnecessary stress on your strands, making it more...
Can't Exercise Today? Do the Next Best Thing: Sleep!
Daily fitness is an important part of maintaining overall health. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to numerous diseases and health conditions, and even a shorter life. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day can combat these conditions and lead to...
Managing Perimenopause: What Can You Anticipate in Your 40s?
One thing almost all women must come to terms with as they age is the reality of menopause: the sometimes-drastic changes their bodies endure at the end of their reproductive cycles. But what many women don’t realize is that bodily...
Secrets to Maintaining a Healthy Vagina
Vaginal health is a crucial component of women’s health, but much of it is misunderstood. Much like other bodily systems, the vagina is complicated, which means the slightest things can disrupt the delicate balance it requires for optimal function.To ensure...
How To Live A Holistic Lifestyle
In the busy, rushed lives of today, it can be challenging to take a second for yourself, breathe and examine your wellbeing. A lot of people live life knowing they don’t feel as well as they should but aren’t sure...
Stress-Related Hair Loss Conditions and Their Signs
We all endure some stress every once in a while, whether from work, a relationship, finances or other sources. Severe and long-term stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and seriously affect our health, but did you know stress can...