Health Journal

Allergies and Good Rest Don't Mix: 5 Tips for Sniffle-Free Sleep
For those who struggle with allergies, all bedtime routines look the same—brush your teeth, shut off the lights, then spend hours trying to breathe through a stuffy nose. Allergies are a constant battle, leaving you with little to no rest....
8 Reasons to Exercise Aside from Weight Loss
To many, exercise feels like a chore. It’s used to punish us for gaining a little extra weight rather than help us celebrate our bodies. Depending on your health situation, weight loss might be part of adopting a healthier lifestyle....
3 Tips and Benefits for Overcoming FOMO
Nobody likes to feel like they’re missing out on something important. In the age of social media, this feeling has grown ever more common, leading to terms like “FOMO.” FOMO might not seem like a big deal, but it can...
Don't Neglect Your Wellness During Periods of Stress
Self-care often gets placed on the back burner when more pressing concerns dominate our lives. When you’re worried about work, kids, school or family, it’s all too easy to skip a meal, forget your workout regimen or even neglect your...
Why Cold Bedrooms Are Ideal for Sleep
Going to sleep in a cold bedroom might seem counterintuitive. After all, what’s the point of cranking up the AC or buying those expensive cooling bed sheets if you’re going to pile on the blankets anyway? The truth is, our...
Tips for Calming Down from a Highly Stressful Situation
A little bit of stress is good. It can motivate us to meet project deadlines or perform well on exams. On the other hand, too much stress can leave you spiraling out of control. High levels of stress are counterproductive...
8 Natural Secrets for Healthier Skin
The skincare market is saturated with anti-aging creams that claim to work miracles on dry, wrinkled or damaged skin. However, there’s no magic formula that will immediately restore your skin’s smooth, supple appearance—the real solution is much simpler than that....
7 Reasons to Add an Outdoor Walk to Your Daily Routine
Many people believe that getting in shape requires an intense, time-consuming workout schedule. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! You can experience wellness benefits from very basic forms of exercise, like taking a daily walk. If you’re trying...
Are Naps Actually Good for You?
Some people swear by daily naps, while others claim they make them feel worse and disrupt their sleep routine. This begs the question, “Are naps actually good for your health and sleep cycle?” The answer isn’t so straightforward—it depends. Some...
7 Ways to Cope After A Major Life Change
Change is an inevitable part of life. Even good changes like getting married or graduating with a degree can provoke a range of feelings. Fear, anxiety, frustration and sadness are all perfectly normal reactions to major life changes—but you don’t...
Set Yourself Up for Fitness Success with Pre-Workout Rituals
Getting the results you want from your exercise routine largely depends on the type and duration of workout you’re doing. However, what you do before your workout can also make a big difference! To get the most out of your...
5 Ways Drinking More Water Can Improve Your Life
You’ve heard this a million times, but we’ll say it once more—you need to drink more water! Everyone knows they have to stay hydrated, but we don’t always take the steps to make it happen. Water is more important than...
Start Your Day Off Right with Morning Affirmations
Affirmations are so simple, yet few people recite them on a daily basis. Starting your day with positive affirmations might seem trivial, but they can really make a difference—not just for getting through the day, but over the course of...
Sun Poisoning? Know the Signs to Keep Your Skin Safe
Everyone has experienced sunburn at some point, but sun poisoning is a whole different beast. What’s most dangerous about sun poisoning is that it’ll catch you by surprise. You might be lounging by the pool when, all of a sudden,...
Can Diet Affect Your Stress Hormones?
As cliché as it sounds, the saying holds true—you are what you eat! Diet plays a major role in regulating the hormones that control your bodily processes, including your stress hormones. Replacing junk food with healthy food is a positive...
What Are Adaptogens? Meet 5 of the Most Powerful Ones
Adaptogens have recently made a name for themselves in the world of holistic health. However, what many people don’t know is that adaptogens are not new—medical practitioners have touted their wellness benefits and recommended them as part of a healthy...
5 Nutrients You May Not Be Getting Enough Of
If you’re reading this, it’s a good time to stop and ask yourself, “Am I getting enough nutrients out of my diet?” Chances are, you may not know the answer. But you’re not alone—millions of people are deficient in several...
7 Steps to Naturally Encourage Hormonal Health
Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to miss subtle signs of hormonal imbalance. When your hormone levels feel out of balance, your physical and mental wellbeing can be easily affected. Hormones are important to consider for...
How Being an Empath Can Take a Physical & Emotional Toll
Everyone is capable of empathy, some more so than others. Many like to wear their empathic tendencies as a badge of honor, while true empaths might argue that the personality trait is less of a blessing and more of a...
Natural Aphrodisiacs Explained: Do They Really Work?
If you’re experiencing a low libido, you might be tempted to pick up some widely touted “natural aphrodisiacs” like chocolate. Unfortunately, these common remedies are the subject of a highly contested question: Do they actually work? The answer isn’t so...
Can Your Child’s Diet Help Them Pay Attention in School?
Diet influences children’s academic performance more than parents think. Researchers have witnessed food’s ability to make or break success in educational settings, which is why they caution parents against providing excessively sugary and fatty meals. Thankfully, burgers and fries aren’t...