Health Journal

3 Nighttime Rituals to Help You Snooze Without a Sleep Aid
Sleep is essential to all parts of your health and wellbeing, from your immunity and strength to your mental health and memory. Unfortunately, sleep troubles are all too common these days. If you have trouble getting to sleep each night,...
Why Stress & Your Autoimmune Disorder Don’t Mix
These days, just about everyone is under some level of stress. It’s become a real problem for more and more people, and it’s harder than ever to escape the effects of stress! Stress can manifest itself in everything, from a...
How Stress Can Hurt You from Head to Toe
Everyone knows persistent stress isn’t good for you. Everyday stressors can usually be managed with healthy coping mechanisms, but chronic, overwhelming stress can have lasting effects on your wellbeing. What you might not know, though, is the extent to which...
7 Ways to Give Your Brain an Afternoon Boost
It’s 2 p.m. and you’re chugging away at your to-do list, when suddenly, you feel an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. You have to read the same sentence a few times over to comprehend its meaning, and time seems to slow...
How to Find a Yoga Routine That Works for You
Yoga has a rich cultural tradition and is also an amazing mobility and fitness practice. For many, it’s a community hub where they can build relationships, both in the studio and online. If you’re just getting started with yoga, there...
How Your Furry Friend Can Benefit Your Sleep Cycle
If you’re one of the lucky people who is a pet caregiver, you probably have a pretty strong bond with your animal companion. Your household routine with your pet may depend on a few factors, like the species of animal...
6 Warm Weather Activities to Keep Kids Entertained
As we say goodbye to rainy spring and hello to sunny summer, getting outside with the kids is a great way to help them stay engaged and enthused. Social distancing is hard on everyone, and both kids and parents face...
Maintain Your Energy Levels While Stuck At Home
It’s been well over a month of social distancing for many of us, and there are some days when it gets tough. Even those who are still leaving the house for work aren’t able to enjoy favorite activities like going...
How to Cope if You’re Social Distancing Solo
Everyone has been affected by the global pandemic. Many people are experiencing energy slumps and difficulty focusing, as well as feelings of isolation. If you’re socially distancing and living alone, you might be struggling with the lack of human contact...
5 Easy Self-Care Rituals To Ease Worry
Everyone is struggling with the pandemic prevention measures in one way or another. While their lifestyle and work situations may be different, collectively almost everyone is feeling some degree of anxiety and isolation. If you are, too, you’re not alone....
How Social Distancing Can Benefit Your Sleep Routine
If you’ve been struggling with interrupted sleep or unusually vivid dreams of late, you’re not alone. You might even be feeling more anxiety than usual right now, and that’s totally normal. At this unpredictable time, creating and maintaining your own routines...
Wellness Rituals to Help You De-Stress While Social Distancing
During a global health crisis like the current pandemic, people around the world are being urged to stay at home and practice social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus. While doing so is beneficial for the community at...
3 Things Chronic Stress Does to Your Heart
Everyone experiences stress. A frustrating day at work, a close call on the highway or a bit of bad news can make your body go into fight or flight mode to protect you from real or perceived threats. While this...
Can Art Boost Your Wellness?
In an age where technology seems to be king, you may be shocked to hear that 77% of those with a creative hobby would rather give up their Netflix subscription than go without their creative activity. For those who make time for...
When is a Career Change Vital to Your Wellbeing?
Feeling unhappy at work and dealing with an unmanageable workload, routine work that doesn’t change, and difficult deadlines may be prompting you to ask, ‘Will a career change improve my wellbeing?’ Saying goodbye to something you have been doing for...
Here's Why Anxiety Hits the Hardest in the Middle of the Night
Anxiety is a common feeling caused by challenges, worry or stress. Unfortunately, some people feel anxiety much more often, even when nothing is wrong. In response to a real or perceived “threat,” the body may generate an increased heart rate,...
This is How Stress Hurts You and the People Closest to You
Everyone gets stressed sometimes. A long day at work, unexpected financial trouble and turmoil between family or friends can make you feel drained, irritable and on edge for a few days. Going through the motions and acting normally when you’re...
Easy Ways to Make Holistic Living Part of Your New Year's Resolutions
With the new year only a few days away, you might be locking in your “word of the year,” yearly plans and, of course, your new year’s resolutions. Selecting the perfect new year’s resolution is something that a lot of...
The Link Between Daily Meditation and Your Immune System
The practice of meditation has been around for thousands of years, but it has gained a lot of traction in the western world more recently. People have just started to realize the many benefits meditation can have on your lifestyle,...
Help a Stressed-Out Friend with a Gift of Supplements
In today’s “always-on” climate, stress is an extremely common phenomenon. Work, family, hobbies, finances and more tend to pile up and weigh on us, and we all have a friend who could use a little more relaxation and self-care once...
3 Ways Stress Can Trigger Hair Loss
Small amounts of hair loss every day are normal—the average person loses around 100 hairs a day because of hair’s natural growth cycle. But if you notice that more hair is falling out than usual, something much more serious is...