Health Journal

5 Natural Ways to Improve Focus and Get Things Done
Whether you suffer from something like attention deficit disorder or you’re up to your ears in work and are having trouble staying alert, not being able to focus can be frustrating. Upcoming deadlines and brain fog can introduce new stress...
Stress, Career, Family! Is Your Busy Life Reducing Your Libido?
A sudden reduction in libido is much more common in both men and women than you may think. A lot of things can alter your sex drive, from illness to hormone imbalances. But, what you may not realize is that...
Stay Ahead of Seasonal Depression by Preparing for the Fall Season Now
The end of summer and beginning of fall is a difficult time for people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Shorter days, less sunlight and decreased temperatures can wreak havoc on your body and brain, causing heightened feelings of...
Signs of Anxiety in Children
Anxiety is a mental health problem that has gotten more attention in the last few years, but it is still a condition that is often misunderstood. Anxiety disorders in children, especially, differ from the norm, because the symptoms children display...
Can't Focus? Meditation May Help You Tackle Your To-Do List
We have all had those days where our to-do list is growing but we aren’t able to focus long enough to get through even one thing. Whether we’re stressed about something unrelated, struggling with attention span, excited or just feeling...
Take an Hour Each Day to Unwind for Better Sleep and Less Stress
Everyone knows it’s hard to fall asleep when you’re riled up. When your heart is racing, your blood is pumping quickly and your mind is active and engaged, you’re bound to have a tough time settling down and falling into...
Relax! Stress Could Damage Your Hair
We’ve all heard or used the phrase, “I wanted to pull my hair out,” referring to being in a stressful situation. While this phrase is somewhat overdramatic and just a figure of speech in most cases, there is something to...
Tossing and Turning: Why Can't You Sleep at Night?
Insomnia affects millions of people every night, preventing them from getting a full night’s rest. A lack of quality sleep is not only frustrating, but it can be absolutely detrimental to your health. Sleep is necessary for your body to...
Feeling Stressed? Watch Some Cute Animal Videos!
When you are having a rough day, can’t seem to get out of your head or feel the weight of the world pressing on your shoulders, there are a lot of stress relief tactics available for you to try. Some...
Reasons Your Child Can't Concentrate in School and How to Help
You send your children to school expecting that they will return with their brains full of new material and a zest for learning. While many children thrive at school, what happens if your child returns home, but they have a...
How Improving Your Mental Health Can Get You in the Mood
For most couples, intimacy is a critical component of a relationship. But if you suffer from mental health issues like anxiety and depression, or even things like fatigue and chronic stress, your libido might suffer, as well. For many, the...
Make De-Stressing One of Your New Year's Resolutions
2018 is almost over, and now is the time when people start solidifying their new year’s resolutions. The start of a new year is a great time to reflect on the past year and commit to making changes to improve...
Turn to Adaptogens For an Energy Boost this Holiday Season
Let’s face it: as fun and merry as they can be, the holidays are also stressful. The pressure of finding and purchasing gifts on time, cleaning the house and making food in preparation of guests and the endless stream of...
Everywhere at Once: How to Minimize Distraction and Improve Focus
It can be frustrating to sit down at your desk or start preparing for an upcoming challenge and feel like your mind is in a million places at once. No matter how much you breathe and get ready to dive...
How Winter Weather Affects Your Mood
Cold chills, snow and ice and shorter days are getting a lot of people into the holiday spirit, as the change in weather signifies that the winter holidays are on their way. Unfortunately, for an extraordinary number of people, this...
Simple Ways to Help Your Child Unwind from School Demands
As we near the end of November and the upcoming holiday season, many parents of school-aged children will begin to notice that their kids seem stressed, restless or unfocused when it comes to school. The time before winter break is...
7 Tips to Try When You're Feeling Anxious
Anxiety is a natural feeling that most people experience at least once or twice over the course of their lives. It usually appears in response to challenges we face in life or something worrisome that we don’t have the answers...
Stress Could be Connected to More Cases of Shingles in Young Adults
It’s a common saying that once you get chickenpox, you’ll never have the illness again. This statement is only partially true, though. While you may never experience that whole-body, itching, burning illness, you may be susceptible to another type of...
Your Lifestyle May be Making Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Worse
Everyone knows how it feels to be completely worn down. After getting sick, dealing with a stressful and busy holiday season or having a few nights of terrible sleep, our bodies might be in pain and we might struggle to...
Get Into the Swing of Retirement by Playing Golf
As we approach retirement, it is important to keep focusing on natural ways to maintain good physical and emotional health. Something that certainly ticks this box is golf. The average American retires at 63 and, with life expectancy in the United States...
All Natural Ways To Deal With Financial Stress
In a recent study, 72% of Americans said that they felt some form of financial stress. There are so many reasons for this, from dealing with creditors or mortgage brokers, to worrying about pensions and savings. It could be anxiety from...