Health Journal

Reclaiming personal health: New life and no hair loss!
Hair loss can be damaging to anyone’s self-confidence. For Patricia, losing her hair felt like losing herself! Patricia had a very intense retail sales job in her twenties, working different hours every day and never having the same days off....
No more wigs, no more hair loss
Tried everything and still experiencing hair loss? Everything changes with Hair Essentials all-natural, innovative hair-growth regenerative formula, including the need to wear wigs! Here's a moving story shared by a customer. Anessa remembers how her hair used to look beautiful...
Fennel for Digestive Health and More
Herbs that are used for both food and medicinal purposes are amongst my favorites - and Fennel is one such. Contemporary herbalists still recommend fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) for digestive health, including relieving gas and bloating, calming an upset stomach, or...
Gotu Kola: Secrets of Longevity
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) has been traditionally used for thousands of years as an energizing and cognitive-stimulating (brain boosting) herb, and is still used today as a premier herb for fatigue, confusion, and general lethargy. The energizing effects of Gotu...
60 Healing Uses For Tea Tree Oil
From the Melaleuca Tree, native to Australia, comes the versatile Tea Tree Oil. Already well-known as an effective, all-purpose healing oil, this natural remedy is a staple in most people's at-home pharmacies. But do you know just how many uses...