Health Journal

4 Types of People Who Could Benefit from Protein Powder
Protein powder is a common nutritional supplement found in stores frequented by athletes, but its benefits extend beyond those who work hard in the gym. Since protein is an integral part of our daily diets, adding protein powder to your...
Should Creatine Be Part of Your Athletic Supplement Regimen?
Some athletes take a lot of health supplements before and after their workouts. Some give them more energy for their activity, some promote the healing of muscles and tissues, some provide necessary vitamins and minerals to their diets and some...
Supplement Safely: Is It Possible to Take Too Much?
Lots of people take supplements. They can help resolve a nutrient deficiency, improve athletic performance or reduce symptoms of a health issue. However, just because supplements contain nutrients that our bodies need to function, it does not mean they cannot...
How to Protect Yourself Against Those Dreaded Spring Colds
Spring is in full swing, and while most of us are itching to get outside as the temperatures climb and the sun is out for more hours of the day, cold and flu season is still lingering, ready to put...
Healthy Gut, Healthy Body: What You Need to Know About Probiotics
We often consider bacteria to be a bad thing and aim to get rid of them at all costs. However, the reality is that we have millions of bacteria outside and inside our bodies that actually help us. The most...
Always Consult with a Physician Before Trying New Supplements
Nowadays, vitamin and mineral supplements are everywhere. Bottles line the shelves at the supermarket, online blogs promote the latest formulas and health advocates push them as a crucial part of a well-rounded health and fitness routine. While it can be...
Turn to Adaptogens For an Energy Boost this Holiday Season
Let’s face it: as fun and merry as they can be, the holidays are also stressful. The pressure of finding and purchasing gifts on time, cleaning the house and making food in preparation of guests and the endless stream of...
Don't Get Tricked by Your Treats This Halloween: Understanding the Dangers of Sugar
Halloween is one of the biggest holidays of the year—children and adults alike get creative and dress up, decorate their homes, tell spooky stories and, of course, go trick-or-treating. This exciting tradition is likely one of your kids’ favorite parts...
What are 'Superfoods' and Why Should They be Part of Your Diet?
Popular food blogs and health websites have recently been buzzing with news of “superfoods” and how great they are for your health. While the term may sound like something otherworldly, superfoods are little more than everyday foods you might already...
Got a Summer Cold Coming On? Protect Your Immune System!
A summer cold is arguably one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Instead of enjoying your time outside in the warm weather or near the pool, you’ll be sniffling, sneezing and coughing while curled up inside. If you...
10 Drug-Free Methods for Combating Chronic Headaches
Headaches are a common problem in today’s world, often brought on by a lack of hydration, nutritional deficiencies and eye strain. It may be tempting to grab a bottle of painkillers as soon as you feel tensions beneath your scalp...
Holistic Post-Workout Recovery Tips
The human body is one of nature’s true marvels, with its ability to heal, grow and adapt. One of the most fascinating instances of this is the process of post-workout recovery. From the breakdown and synthesis of muscle proteins, to...
What are Adaptogens and How Can They Help You Balance Your Health?
Chronic stress is a major problem in today’s world. More and more people are finding it difficult to manage the stream of everyday stressors without prescription medication, which can be extremely expensive and bad for your body. Another method of...
Nutritional Deficiencies Could be at the Root of Your Brain Fog
Almost everyone has had a day where their brain just wouldn’t work correctly. You were probably forgetful, had a hard time focusing and were possibly even confused about the day, where you were or what you were doing. Perhaps you...
What's the Difference Between Men's and Women's Daily Supplements?
Anyone who’s been to the drug store or supermarket recently knows what they can find in the medicine isle: rows upon rows of multivitamin and individual supplement bottles. The multitude of these supplements alone can be overwhelming for someone looking...
5 Natural Ways to Fight Afternoon Fatigue and Lethargy
We’ve all been there—we start our day, head into work, tackle our to-do lists, grab some lunch, then settle back in to continue plugging away—when we suddenly feel a crash. Our eyes won’t stay open and we feel a strong...
Gain Without the Pain: Anti-Inflammatory Supplements After Working Out
There are a lot of macho slogans people like to live by when it comes to working out. Phrases like “take no days off” and “no pain, no gain” tend to give the illusion that lifting weights is a battle—one...
Taking a Natural Approach to Protecting Your Body Against the Effects of Osteoporosis
When you were a little kid, your parents probably gave you a tall glass of milk and instructed you to drink up so you could grow strong, healthy bones. As it turns out, this was great advice—dairy is a great...
3 Essential Ingredients for Optimal Daily Performance
Success is within reach if you can perform to the best of your ability every chance you get. This is why people are constantly seeking the advice of those who must frequently perform at a high level, like musicians, athletes,...
Could Taking Multivitamins During Pregnancy Actually Prevent Autism?
An international team of researchers may have proven that consumption of certain nutrients during pregnancy lowers the risk of autism spectrum disorder, or ASD. Previous studies have suggested that ASD first develops in the womb, though it’s unclear if the...
11 Confidence boosting results with Hair essentials for hair loss and natural growth!
If you have been hair dying you hair all your life or simply experiencing  thinning hair, it's time to GIVE BACK to your hair  with whole body nourishment.  The nutrients from the Hair Essential program, give you stronger and shinier hair...